I saw something that inspired me today: this video of a woman who lives in a 90-foot-square apartment in New York City.
I hit a challenging thought: what if yuppies lived way beneath their means, so they can live large when they retire?
It's easier said than done, especially in our commercial global culture. Everyone encourages us to spend, get things on credit, gratify ourselves NOW, not taking into consideration the ramifications of living a short-sighted existence.
On the other hand, life's uncertainties should spur a person to live his best life NOW.
Then there's a middle ground: pursue the things that make you happy and give you joy, but make sure that your happy fixes are way below the budget, so you could keep funneling your income into your retirement funds. Make sense?
Here's a great article by Fabulously Broke: Ordinary Pleasures: The Well-Kept Secret of little things that make you feel RICH. It helps a hedonistic young urban professional understand that happy fixes need not break the bank.
And the video above shows you that even the most spartan of circumstances could get enjoyable.
I believe it's a matter of learning to enjoy and savor life without needing to be show-offy or pretentious. You don't need to keep up with the Joneses in order to have a bit of dignity and self-respect. Also, buying into the culture of greed would be something you should avoid like the plague. You don't need to buy that inconsequential thing just to feel better. Remember that your retirement fund is at stake.
There's a way to prioritize the things that count, even as you enjoy little guilty pleasures this life has to offer.
Thanks to @nidarasheed for sharing the article.
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